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Top 3 dificiles:escdf5b4syg= trabalenguas (Tongue Twister Fun)

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September 20, 2024
Top 3dificiles:escdf5b4syg= trabalenguas (Tongue Twister Fun)

Dificiles:escdf5b4syg= trabalenguas – Tongue twisters are difficult, right? But they are great for improving diction. What if we practiced with the five most difficult tongue twisters? Are you looking for the Tongue Twister blog? Today our blog is all about dificiles:escdf5b4syg= trabalenguas.

Let’s Practice dificiles:escdf5b4syg= trabalenguas

Let’s start with a very short tongue twister that initially seems very easy, but it’s not that easy.

“I buy a little coconut, because I eat a little coconut, I buy a little coconut”

First we say it slowly. I buy a little coconut, because I eat a little coconut, I buy a little coconut.

Best Of 3 Tongue Twister Practice dificiles:escdf5b4syg= trabalenguas

1. Poco, poco como, poco, poco compro

“poco, poco como, poco, poco compro” when it starts sounding, let’s try to say it faster

In English: I buy little, little, because like little, little, little, little, little, little, little I buy and there it starts to be a little more difficult, it’s a matter of practicing let’s see now, I buy little, little, because like little, little, little, little, little, little I buy let’s go with another one a little more difficult,

In Spanish: Yo compro poco coco porque como poco como como poco coco compro

2. Try with letter P

we are going to increase difficulties you will see, this one is used to practice the phoneme of the P

in Spanish :Pepe Pecas pica papas con un pico, con un pico pica papas pepe pecas si pepe pecas pica papas con un pico? Donde esta el pico con que pepe pecas pica papas

In English: Pepe Pecas chops potatoes with a pick, with a pick Pepe Pecas chops potatoes, yes Pepe Pecas chops potatoes with a pick? Where is the pick with which Pepe Pecas chops potatoes?

3. Try With Letter M

In Spanish: Mariana Magaña desenmarañará mañana la maraña que enmarañará Marina mañana. ¿Desenmarañará mañana Mariana Magaña la enmarañada maraña que enmaraño Marina Mañana?

English: Mariana Magaña will unravel tomorrow the tangle that Marina will tangle tomorrow. Will Mariana Magaña unravel tomorrow the tangled tangle that Marina tangled tomorrow?


These Are the Top 3 dificiles:escdf5b4syg= trabalenguas (tongue Twister). I hope this blog finds you interesting and new things to learn from our page.

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